Tara from If Mom Says OK, had this great meme on her blog and after seeing it on several other blogs, I totally stole it to see if it could help me out of this winter funk I have been in. Don't know if it will be a long term thing, but it did make me smile a bit while I was doing it.
This is my short list of what makes me happy.
~ my family, friends and furbabies, and the fun we can have doing anything or nothing at all.
~ my laptop and all my cyber friends and family who live inside it. You all help me stay grounded or at least make the journey into madness an enjoyable experience.
~ my camera, my new best friend at times. It helps me get all those special memories recorded so I will never forget them and can pass them on. Without it my "part timers" would get the better of me.
~ a good book and the time to truly enjoy it.
~ that I grew up in a great, fun loving and close knit family that will do anything for anyone and are always there when I ask for help, or even sometimes when I don't- they just seem to know when I need them.
~ sunsets and feeling the warm sun on my face.
~ my wonderful home filled with laughter and playful little girls and boys that keep me on my toes and young at heart.
~ baking and cooking with my little girls and seeing how much they enjoy learning and helping.
~ listening to my little ones read to me. They are just learning and I think they are the smartest kids on the planet (I may be a little biased)
~ my wonderful husband who has always had my back. He works so hard and bends over backwards to make sure I am happy and taken care of.
~ hugs! From my husband or even a close friend, but mostly from my babies. I have not always liked being hugged, but I have found it gives me a nice warm feeling to have those tiny arms around my neck and a little voice saying "I love you"~ nothing better in the world.
Now you write up your own list of ten and share this meme with your family and friends. It's nice to think of things that make you happy and have your day go better because of it.

1 comment:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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