Tammy at Queen Sized Funnybone did a "Blogger Stimulus Program" and I signed up. Yesterday I got this beautiful handmade bracelet and super sweet card from her (don't know why I can't get the picture to turn the right way). I am thrilled with it and have already argued with Libby because she is such a little Diva that she thinks all jewelry in the house is for her.
So now it is my turn, these are the rules copied from her blog:
"Pay it forward...
Baseball Mom has a really cool pay it forward contest going on at her blog...the rules are simple:
Be one of the first three commenters on this post, and i will send you a small, awesome, craft or gift that I, personally, have made. Post on your blog, and use the same rules, then pay it forward to three more commenters. You have 365 days to do this, and you are also promising, by participating in this contest, that you will keep your blog open for as long as it takes to complete this task! The prizes can be from any price range. In case I left anything out, you should go to her blog and check out the rules, then be one of the first three (shouldn't be hard) commenters."
I'll play!! This sounds wonderful and something right up my alley!!
Thank you!
I'll play! Here's a link to my pay it forward! http://eisenhartfamily.blogspot.com/2009/03/pay-it-forward.html
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