Todays topic is 6 things you’ll miss (or won’t miss) about summer.
1. I won't miss getting to sleep in on Fridays. Now I have to get up and get Amber ready and off to school.
2. I won't miss this hot dry desert air. Days on end over 100 really get on my nerves. It is too hot to be outside and the central air can't keep up in the house.
3. I will miss having the pool to relax in after work (on days it isn't too hot to be out there).
4. I will miss being able to stay up all night blogging or playing games on facebook. Have to get the girls back on a schedule that doesn't included all nighters and if I am up, they try to stay up.
5. I will miss camping, barbecuing and hanging out with my family and friends. We do some in the winter, but without being able to hang out in the yard it is less comfortable and convenient to have a lot of people over.
6. I will miss all the different celebrations. July 4th and all the fun town celebrations. We seem to be able to hit a parade, carnival or fair from the end of May to the first of September at least a couple times a month.
Kind of a boring list for me this week, but that is pretty much my life, boring and generic as can be!

This makes me think once my kids are older I'll have to go to bed earlier. I don't like that!
It's summer here until around October and then we turn off the a/c. Hope it's not too difficult for you to get back into a routine.
i know the feeling...now that school has started this new schedule has totally rearranged out life!
I'll miss being able to go outside without having to put snowsuits, hats, gloves, and boots on 6 kids first!
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