Monday, May 18, 2009

~~My Pro Frisbee Player or Silly Boys, Sports are for Girls!~

Yep, another sport Amber excels at... this girl is going to make me a very rich kids mommy some day!! We were playing at the park and a couple little boys were trying to throw a Frisbee. I say trying because they really were not that good at it and kept hitting me. Amber came over and got it after the last time it met the back of my head and took it over to them. She asked if she could play and then told them she could show them how. I was thinking "Boy what is she getting into? She hasn't a clue how to pay", but little did I know!! She took them to school!! This kid cannot do a cart wheel, she is clumsy as all get out, but get her running after a ball (or Frisbee so I now know) and the girl ROCKS! She can get under any ball that we throw at her and she bats like a softball fool. She won a contest at her school for shooting baskets, beating all the boys and everyone else and she is only in kindergarten. Beat. The. Whole. School. It's kind of funny because she has always been so petite and girly that I though she would be a cheerleader like the bigger girls were, but it is not going to happen. She wants to play every sport and we will support her just as we did with our bigger kids, although, unlike the older kids, I just hope she can make a really good living at it and doesn't decide it isn't very fun, because I could really rock as a super athletes mom!



Go Amber! I love to see a girl excel at sports...or anything that is naturally assumed to be a boy sport. Keep it up. The pictures of her are precious! Thanks for sharing them today!

The Giveaway Diva said...

yay so glad amber is into sports! that is soo cool! loved the pictrues!

Nicki said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog on my SITS day! This is awesome!

Memories for Life said...

She can rock that frisbee...and in a skirt even :) You go girl!

Michelle said...

Wow! Frisbee is hard! It's exceptional to see someone that young with such a grasp on it :)